
The Most Versatile Bento-Style Lunchbox

Created by reVessel

Early adopters get a second chance to watch this Kickstarter project come to life. For those who appreciate good clean food, sustainability and adventure, reVessel has the first leak-proof modular bento-style lunchbox. Consider the most perplexing food storage challenges solved! And it’s good for you and the planet. reVessel’s innovations make living a healthy and sustainable life convenient to get you out of your kitchen and back out exploring. We’ve packed three essential kitchen tools in one sleek design. We call it foodware, bakeware and takeware - Designed with premium materials preferred for human and environmental health, doing good never looked so good. Great for meal prep, cooking, storing and packing anywhere you take food.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

August 17th Courier Update
about 3 years ago – Tue, Aug 17, 2021 at 11:11:47 PM


Eddie here... Over the past 48 hours, our team has come together to put final details in place for the bulk of our amazing backer’s rewards. Couriers have now been assigned and approved. Over the next two-four business days, individual packages are slated to be pulled from pallets, labeled by the shipper and positioned for pickup by the selected couriers. 

You will soon be able to view specific tracking numbers from each courier. We don’t have precise details on the date data will be available to us, so we will send another update at that time. You can then head over to log in to your Backerkit account in order to view the information and monitor your package’s progress. As a reminder, the platform login can be found here:

If any additional duties or taxes are required, notification will be sent by the courier either via text, telephone or email provided. To ensure release of rewards, simply look out for this notice and follow the instructions provided. 
While we are optimistic that there will be big movement next week, we have been told by various sources that pick up times have varied due to global shipping delays - a few articles linked below on the specifics of these issues for some reading at your leisure. - Record-breaking Box Demand, Stranded Containers Lead to Worst Shipping Delays in Years

Reuters - Major container ports in eastern China see worsening congestion after COVID cases

Thank you Everyone! We will talk to you soon,


The final leg - reVessel August 14 Campaign Update
about 3 years ago – Sat, Aug 14, 2021 at 09:09:09 PM

Hey Kickstarter -  

We’re back! We’ve been a bit quieter than usual on the platform while our family made a big move - both our existing operations and warehouse, as well as our home. We have made sure to respond to all messages to [email protected] directly and keep all Kickstarter projects moving right along. Stay tuned for our next full update this Tuesday, August 17th, following our team call which will give more specific details on tracking, managing duties and outbound shipping dates.

Until our next update, here’s what the team has accomplished: All backer rewards now reside with our final shipping partner. The product transfer, slightly delayed as mentioned in the July 29th update, was ultimately a success. The fulfillment data has been imported after a few import technical issues were resolved. This week, couriers will be applied to each shipment and the final leg of the journey will be initiated. For all EU orders, the LFGB testing thus far has passed all required criteria with one remaining test to go which is expected this week as well, keeping rewards in sync.


At the end of June, reVessel became Climate Neutral Certified. Our vision to set a new standard for brands is well underway. “If we converted all global croplands and pastures to regenerative organic agriculture, we could sequester more than 100% of current annual CO2 emissions.” -Rodale Institute. This certification means that reVessel has measured, reduced and offset carbon emissions from the entire value chain, focusing offsets especially on soil health to re-balance carbon. You can read more about this major achievement on our blog.

Our focus on the lasting impact we can make and the successful outcome of this campaign remains unchanged. 

Jessica and the reVessel Team

reVessel's Shipping Update - Rewards are on the move
about 3 years ago – Fri, Jul 30, 2021 at 01:03:16 AM

Hey, hey Kickstarter,

We've got a quick update on recent progress. All backer rewards have now been picked up from our warehouse by the freight team for transfer to our final shipping partner. This means that re-inspection and repackaging that began on July 15 is now complete.  In 10-15% of rewards, the humid environment led to growth in the enclosed packaging. The identified packages have been remediated or replaced. To prevent the issue from recurring, the packages have been stocked with desiccant packets to absorb any excess moisture during transit. Unboxing, inspecting and ensuring all products meet our quality standards took a week longer than estimated.  We expect new timelines to be provided tonight from the team on the status of the outbound shipments and an update on fluctuations in global ocean and air freight so we can continue to set the tone for the next stage as shipping volatility continues.

As discussed in the prior update, EU destined products are being held until we have lab reports required for customs clearance,  while all others will be moving forward with the help of our shipping partners. 

*Please note: We regretthat we are unable to make any address changes.If you have submitted any recent requests, please be sure to make forwarding arrangements. 

We hope you are thoroughly enjoying your July. Stay tuned for our next post.


~Jessica and the reVessel Team

Celebrating project movement
about 3 years ago – Tue, Jul 13, 2021 at 07:01:18 PM


It sure feels good to see movement again. Starting today, all products will be released from the anti-moisture environment so the team can reinspect and repackage all rewards for pickup on the scheduled July 20th transfer to our shipper. As mentioned in last update,  the move was made to protect the integrity of the products from damage during transport and storage, namely the bamboo, during extended rainy humid season. For over 90% of backers, this is good news as we will be able to proceed through to shipping. The exception are EU bound rewards. 

Material integrity has always been paramount and we have been guided by the EU standards for materials due to the leading safety criteria. For all EU shipments to avoid rejection or delays at customs, however, we are required to update our LFGB validation. Our lab is set to go. The updated certification for individual parts and combined product will require 30 days testing for all compulsory markers. For the less than 10% of backers, the products will be stored at the shipper, delaying the fulfillment until we have all required reports.

All shipments with the exception of Australia will be loaded for ocean freight out of Hong Kong port. Australia bound shipments will travel by air out of Shenzhen port. 

We remain committed to serving and look forward to providing our next update on the project's progress until all products have been shipped to our backers.

With love,

Jessica and the reVessel Team

June 30 urgent update - short holding pattern
about 3 years ago – Thu, Jul 01, 2021 at 05:23:57 AM

Backers - Almost as soon as we hit send on our last update, we were met with new obstacles.
Late last week, we came together with our team to discuss next steps and just as soon as we renegotiated terms and cleared a path to move products, our team raised the issue of the humid/rainy season that now poses a major threat to the quality of our finished product. 

To prevent damage and jeopardize the hygiene, especially to the bamboo lid, they strongly recommended that we temporarily halt shipping to avoid any exposure to the products and maintain them in a controlled, low-moisture environment. Additionally, the bamboo material may expand and contract under humid environments and jeopardize long-term performance. 

Given that this factory location is new to us and we have yet to ship during this month, we completely missed the critical hazard. Products will have to remain until the rainy season subsides. Historically, the season is short and ends by mid-July.  As a precaution, the products will be immediately inspected and repackaged to ensure the measures taken were effective. 

Regulations are also ever-changing as we know. While we have diligently selected and validated materials for optimal safety and performance ratings in order to meet the highest non-tariff barrier standards, following a recent partner audit, we have been notified that we are under a new level of scrutiny in certain countries (due to the food contact specifications) to update our testing and certification on individual components as well as finished goods which will help us avoid long delays later on in customs, especially in EU countries. While the updated testing isn’t necessarily all bad, it does stress our delivery dates yet again.

From here, we have the next several weeks to prepare for and address the quality and regulatory/compliance issues. We will be posting updates at that time.

Stay tuned, healthy and Happy 4th of July!
