
The Most Versatile Bento-Style Lunchbox

Created by reVessel

Early adopters get a second chance to watch this Kickstarter project come to life. For those who appreciate good clean food, sustainability and adventure, reVessel has the first leak-proof modular bento-style lunchbox. Consider the most perplexing food storage challenges solved! And it’s good for you and the planet. reVessel’s innovations make living a healthy and sustainable life convenient to get you out of your kitchen and back out exploring. We’ve packed three essential kitchen tools in one sleek design. We call it foodware, bakeware and takeware - Designed with premium materials preferred for human and environmental health, doing good never looked so good. Great for meal prep, cooking, storing and packing anywhere you take food.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

reVessel Backer Update
about 3 years ago – Thu, Jun 24, 2021 at 02:56:05 PM

Hello Kickstarter Community,


In our last update, we shared that all rewards were packaged and palletized at the packing warehouse. From there, the products would then make their way from the warehouse to our final shipping partners before embarking on the final journey to backers in 36 countries. The reward journeys will vary due to shipping lanes, efficiency, trade terms and costs; some loading on ocean and some by air freight.

We found ourselves updating and reevaluating shipping costs based on the final backer file and the latest shipping routes and rates, still unable to avoid an approximate $25,000 increase over the original shipping estimate. As our budgeted costs had increased significantly and our projected revenues from the past year have largely been impacted, we faced the challenge of sourcing the delta.

Many of our backers who read the last update immediately messaged and posted volunteering funds to bridge the gap. This goodwill blew us away and energized us, however we had already put wheels into motion in anticipation of an insufficiency following the threats of new tariffs and cost increases.

Latest News:

As of this week, we have renegotiated our terms with our partners which will allow the next phase to move forward, transferring all products via ocean and air freight to their departing ports in Shenzhen and Hong Kong. We are awaiting trucking confirmation from our shipping partner to begin the process. Despite experiencing communication delays as of late, we anticipate the movement of goods as soon as we confirm all documentation is in place. We sure hope to have a wonderful update soon and will post as dates are confirmed.

While frustrating at times, this project has been a privilege, joy in learning and a battle to the finish. We are so eager to complete the project by continuing to fund the final stages to bring this project to a slow, but successful completion. Thanks for reading. 

In health and happy adventures,


reVessel Backer Update - pushing forward into June
over 3 years ago – Thu, Jun 03, 2021 at 03:11:15 AM

Dear Backers - 

Here we are in June. Starting with the good and revealing the latest challenges (because it wouldn't be so exciting if there weren't so many). 

Well, we can see the finish line. Boxes with rewards are all packed at the warehouse and ready to transport. Now that we have shipping weights and dimensions, we are close to releasing them.  But, before we can do that, the quote we received for shipping came back at more than 2X the original estimate and has forced us to evaluate options. 

The spike is a result of two primary factors - 1) when charging for shipping at the campaign's launch, we had very little information to suggest a realistic cost, so we gathered as much meaningful data as possible and used it as a baseline, which underestimated the true cost today.  2) The costs to ship have drastically increased due to duties and tariffs imposed immediately after the campaign launched, fuel cost increases and freight backlogs to name a few. We could not have imagined the possibility of the massive increases we have seen.

We will continue reviewing the product's ability to clear all customs and immediately review any options to reduce costs as this puts a strain on financial resources of our small business. And meanwhile, we will continue seeking any funding to complete the next phase with as little delay as possible.

As I look into my children's eyes, I am constantly reminded why we continue to invest in this project; one we have poured an extraordinary amount of time and personal capital into to bless households across the globe. We remain committed to overcoming the fatigue and scaling each and every obstacles until the products reach your door. We all appreciate the compassion and reassurance of support from our most loyal backers. 

All my love,

Jessica and the reVessel team

reVessel's May Update - Assemble, Box, Package and Ship - This Campaign is Almost Complete
over 3 years ago – Wed, May 12, 2021 at 04:26:57 AM

Hey Backers! 

Our teams met with our factory partners last night and our strategic shipping partner tonight, so we have an exciting update hot off the presses. On May 10th, over 30,000 parts began the process of assembly with the newest Adventure Kit colors nearly complete and the Explorer Kits right behind. The team is building boxes, final packages and labels this week and into early next. Our frequent meetings undergoing audits and quality control along the way have been keeping us busy to ensure the production and matching of sub-components meets expectations. Once final shipping boxes are complete, barcoding will conclude and the shipment will make way for the final journey out of Hong Kong to 36 countries. 

Risks that remain are customs clearance as products exit and enter countries as well as updates to shipping rates. To date, our shipping costs have already doubled our early expectations and so we will have to continue evaluating the best shipping method. Our goal is to clear customs on both sides as expeditiously as possible and for products to reach you in perfect condition. 

We anticipate that, assuming we avoid issues above, by the end of week, May 21, our shipping partner should have received all packages and will be begin preparing the coordination with couriers the following week. At that time, we will have the ability to upload specific tracking information to your BackerKit account to enable you to follow your package in the shipping portal as it travels either via ocean or air.

Reaching this stage is somewhat surreal and we are almost there! As always, your support in this campaign means the world. We cannot wait for you to officially join reVessel as #ContainersForChange!

As new and relevant information becomes available, we will continue to provide updates. 

Sending our best,

Jessica and Team

reVessel Update - April
over 3 years ago – Thu, Apr 15, 2021 at 03:30:36 AM

Dear Kickstarter Community,

Happy Earth Month! 

We're approaching our remaining few updates for the campaign. WILDLY EXCITING!!

Here's the latest: 

This week, we have confirmed with our factory partners that all parts are expected to be complete by early next week. Final inspections will begin next week at the factory as well as at reVessel HQ in CA as soon as the production samples arrive. Once approved, assembly, packaging, final boxing, labeling and transport to our final shipping partner will begin and is expected to take 7-10 days. You can expect another update in approximately two weeks with the status and if we have it available, your reward tracking information. 


We will no longer be able to make changes to backer information after Friday, April 16, at 11:59pm, pacific. Any changes to your shipping address must be complete within 48 hours to ensure shipments are accurate and timely. Please log into your Backer fulfillment account at to check your address. If any shipping change is needed, please let us know through a direct message on Kickstarter or an email to [email protected].

What's ahead:

In anticipation of regularly stocking these new items in our warehouse, promotion and pre-order of these products will begin to the general public to generate excitement. Rest assured, our commitment remains firm to our Kickstarter backers as our top priority and will be the first to receive the latest reVessel collection.

In health and happy adventures,

Jessica and the reVessel Team

March Update - reVessel In full production
over 3 years ago – Fri, Mar 19, 2021 at 09:54:49 AM

Heya Kickstarter!

Well, February has flown right by and our factories revved up the production in the early part of March. In the most recent check-in with our factories, we're right where we need to be for our April ship date as all parts are slated to be complete by the end of this month, early April. With over 35,000 silicone parts to produce, including the brand new silicone cups, this is our pacing material. This means that, barring any complications, we will begin shipping in approximately ONE month!

A few things to mention: 

Our next update will include a focus on modes of shipping to certain locations, clarifying the expected transit times and how you will be able to track your reward. As you can imagine, there have been significant added challenges with the complex freight landscape both politically and pandemic-induced, since we launched, including trade agreements, new tariffs imposed and changes to import/export policies. Our original shipping forecast nearly double as a result of these changes. We continue to work diligently with our shipping partner to safely and securely transport your reward. 

Looking back, what an incredible journey that is truly just beginning with you as you begin experiencing the products you so enthusiastically supported. We are extremely grateful to this Kickstarter Community for joining us in doing good while eating well. We are so eager for you to begin using the products so we may hear your feedback. And, yes, we'll be asking for it!

For all you health warriors, we're reading a new book release, titled "Count Down" by Shanna Swan an essential read exposing the many of the toxic environmental factors leading to a decline in global reproductive health, including food packaging. Our work aims to raise the bar in food packaging for a healthier world. Worth a listen on Audible or copy from your favorite bookstore.

One more thing...if you aren't already, be sure to connect with us and follow @reVesselUSA on Instagram and Facebook @reVessel. There, you'll find out about new recipes and see how the Community optimizes safer, sustainable foodware. Keep up the positivity and start preparing for all the ways you'll put reVessel to use in your everyday life.

Until next time,

Jessica and the reVessel Team